
Locomotor Ataxy. Tabes Dorsalis.

A very peculiar condition of the nervous system is known under this name[1], characterized by loss of sensitiveness of the skin and inability to control movements of the limbs. It was formerly classed as a form of paralysis. It comes on insiduously. Pains of a neuralgic or rheumatic character, headache, impaired vision, frequent desire to urinate and "pricking" sensations of the limbs or extremities, are early symptoms. Soon inability to control the movements of the limbs becomes manifest, and trying to walk with the eyes shut will cause staggering. Applications of heat, pricking with pins, etc., on portions of the back fail to cause any sensations. Many other symptoms may be manifested. It is a disease of middle life, and its causes are various. Long exposure to cold and moisture, sexual excesses, syphilis, poisoning by lead, arsenic or ergot[2], and injuries to the spine have been known causes.

Treatment. — If possible the patient should visit the southern mountains or seek an equable and dry climate. Electricity to the spine is of great advantage. The cause must be ascertained and remedial treatment based accordingly. Narcotics must be prohibited. Vapor baths and massage are of great value. The disease lasts from a few months to twenty-five years or even longer.
[1] Ataxy isn't a term commonly used now - myelopathy is used to refer to pathology of the spinal cord.
[2] Ergot poisoning, which is caused by the ingestion of ergot fungi most prominently found on rye, is uncommon now.