
Note: The header for this article is listed as "Ankylosis. Anchylosis." in the text.

Stiffness of the Joints.

This is a stiffening of the joints or of some special joint, caused by diseases of the joints, rheumatism, and by keeping a limb fixed in one position. If the stiffness involves the bony union in the joint, nothing can be done to relieve it. If from deposits steaming the part and rubbing over it tincture of lobelia[1] and then making motion vigorously may break up adhesions. When there is injury near a joint and anchylosis is feared, it is advisable to make proper passive motion frequently. Stiffness of fingers and limbs might thus often be prevented. Serious cases of anchylosis are often overcome by surgical operations.
[1] I cannot find any evidence that lobeline, the natural alkaloid in lobelia inflata, would have any effect. Lobelia inflata, also known as "Indian tobacco" or "puke weed" is promoted by herbalists for smoking cessation (though is ineffective).